Location: LCMS Menu (Project Menu) > Snippet Bank > Manage Categories > Delete a Category
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To delete a Snippet Bank category:

1. On the project screen, click the LCMS Menu button to expand the drop-down menu.
2. On the expanded drop-down menu, click the Snippet Bank option to open the Snippet Bank screen.


3. On the Snippet Bank screen, click the Manage Categories button to open the Manage Categories screen.


4. On the Manage Categories screen, click the Delete icon for the desired category in the list. Note: If snippets are assigned to the category selected for deletion, the Delete And Reassign Category window opens and provides the opportunity to reassign the snippets to another category. Deleting a category without reassigning will leave the snippets orphaned.


5. On the Delete And Reassign Category window, click the down arrow and selecting the desired category from the drop-menu.


3. Click the Delete button to delete the category or click the Cancel button the return to the previous screen without deleting.