Location: LCMS Menu (Project Menu) > Configuration and Preferences Menu > Project Preferences > Configure Multilingual Support
Configure Multilingual Support HomeBack Next

The purpose of this feature is to support content that needs to be displayed with an additional language. Currently the LCMS supports two languages at a time within a project, i.e. English and French.

With Multilingual Support enabled, features such as Translation options are available. This allows for exporting of content for translation. It may then be imported back into your project, overwriting the existing content with a translated copy. Future versions of the LCMS will be able to use this feature when publishing to an LMS, to include both languages and enable "hot-swapping" within the viewer.

Other features that show additional language support are:

Screen Prompts
Question Bank
Navigation Tree folder options for batch translation:
oTranslation Batch Import
oAdd to Batch for Translation
oSubmit Translation Batch
Navigation Tree Paste option now gives the ability to mark the Activity as the opposite language of the Activity being copied, creating a link between the two. This is used as part of the Translation work-flow.
1.On the Project Preferences screen, the Multilingual Support under the Components menu is the default screen.


2. Click the Default language drop-down arrow and choose the preferred default language from the list.

3. Click the checkbox beside Enable Multilingual Support to enable multilingual support. When the multilingual support is not enabled, the Alternate language section is grayed out.

4. Click the Alternate language drop-down arrow and choose the preferred alternate language from the list. Note: If the language required is not listed in the drop-down, please contact your support service to have the language of choice enabled.


5. Click the Submit button to save your changes or return to the previous screen without saving.