Location: LCMS Menu (Project Menu) > Configuration and Preferences Menu > Project Preferences > Configure Plotter Tool
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1.On the Project Preferences screen, click Plotter Tool under the Components menu. This option allows you to configure the Plotter tool labels for your specific project. You may configure the project Plotter tool labels to use Legacy or Modern labels. Note: The Modern option is not compatible with Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or older browsers.
2. Select the version for the Plotter tool labels (Legacy or Modern) from the Label Version drop-down menu. Selecting the Legacy option limits the CKEditor options available for formatting the labels. Note: This selection is compatible with all browsers. Selecting the Modern option enables more CKEditor options and HTML for formatting the labels than what is available for the Legacy option.
3.When Legacy is selected, you may click the checkbox beside Allow Hybrid Labels to enable both Legacy and Modern labels. With Allow Hybrid Labels enabled, you will be able to create legacy or modern labels. You will also be able to change existing legacy labels to modern labels in the project using the Upgrade Label button. Note: Modern labels are not compatible with IE 11 or older browsers and cannot be changed to legacy labels.
4.Click the Submit button to save your changes or return to the previous screen without saving.
