Location: LCMS Home Page (Admin Menu) > Application Preferences > Security
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1. On the Application Preferences screen, click Security from the Components menu.


2. Click the checkbox beside Cookies use SameSite=strict to enable greater security against potential click-jacking attempts. Note: Enabling this feature may cause issues if the LCMS is launched through a portal.
3. Click the checkbox beside Strict HTML Validation to enable strict HTML validation using a modified version of OWASP AntiSamy. Note: Visit OWASP.org for more information.
4. When Strict HTML Validation is enabled, the user will receive warnings whenever unsafe HTML is entered in a text field. A warning window will open to display the current HTML causing the warning along with a clean version of the HTML. The user may click the Clean & Save button to have the LCMS clean the HTML automatically or click the Close button to clean the HTML themselves. Note: Users will not be able to save the HTML until it is deemed to be clean.


5. Deselect the Allow 3rd Party Content checkbox to disable the import/upload of 3rd party content. Note: This option is enabled by default.
6. Deselect the checkbox for the roles who will not have access to 3rd party content. Note: All roles have access to 3rd party content by default.
7. Set the New Screen Security Defaults by selecting the Security Classification and Controlled Goods category from the corresponding drop-down menu. Note: This will set the security classification and controlled goods category defaults for new screens within a new project.
8. Set the New User Security Defaults by selecting the Security Classification and Controlled Goods category from the corresponding drop-down menu. Note: This will set the security defaults used when a new user is created.
9. Click the Submit button to save your changes or click Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving.