Location: LCMS Menu (Project Menu) > Reports > TDM Integration - Activity Coverage by Objective
TDM Integration - Activity Coverage by Objective HomeBack Next

When TDM Integration is enabled, users associate teaching points (objectives) to screens at the topic and activity level. The TDM Integration - Activity coverage by Objective report is used to view the coverage of the Activity by the objective. Note: This report is only available when TDM is installed. See TDM Integration for more information.

To create a TDM Integration - Activity coverage by Objective report:

1. On the Reports screen, click the TDM Integration - Activity coverage by Objective report type to open the TDM Integration - Activity coverage by Objective screen.
2. On the TDM Integration - Activity coverage by Objective screen, click the checkbox Only show Activities with no associated Objective(s) if required. Note: This will filter the available selections for the Folder drop-down menu. Only objectives that are not associated with Activities will display.
3. Select the desired course folder from the Folder drop-down menu.
4. Select the desired course objective from the Course drop-down menu.
5. Select the desired performance objective from the Performance Objective drop-down menu.
6. Select the desired enabling objective from the Enabling Objective drop-down menu. Leave the field blank to include all options.


7. Click the Submit button to generate the report or click the Clear button to clear the filters. Note: For all activities that match the search criteria, the report will list the Enabling Objective and Activity.
8. On the Activity coverage by Objective report, click the Excel, CSV or PDF button to download or view the report in the corresponding format. Note: To print the report, click the Print button at the top of the report.
