Adds a user to the LCMS. When Active Directory Authentication (LDAP) is the selected authentication method, the userAdd API cannot be used to create users. See Active Directory Authentication (LDAP) for more information. When Hybrid Supporting Both is the selected method, the userAdd API will create Internal Authentication users. See Hybrid Supporting Both for more information.
• | Method
token=[string as defined in LCMS Application Preferences]
firstname=[string, max length 110]
lastname=[string, max length 110]
username=[string, max length 200, accepts alphanumeric and underscores]
password=[string, requirements based on application preferences (See Login Preferences for more information)]
email=[string, max length 510]
organization_name=[string, max length 400]
classification_id [numeric, max length 1, valid entries = 0 thru 4, defaults to 0]
controlled_goods_id [numeric, max length 1, valid entries = 1 thru 4, defaults to 4]
role=[optional, valid role name or names separated by commas *See /roleNames]
project_code=[optional, only required if adding role(s) other than Administrator *See /projectCodes]
Note: When adding user to a Role, a project must be specified. You can also update user Roles at a later time via userRoleAdd or userRoleRemove. Rather than listing each individual possible error message, only one example is shown above. The "detail" value will only appear if a coding error is detected, i.e. database error. If Enforce Strong Passwords is enabled in the Application Settings screen, user passwords must contain at least three of the following: at least one number, at least one uppercase character, at least one lowercase character or at least one special character.