Location: LCMS Home Page (Admin Menu) > Interface Management > Add Interface > Pop-out Content Buttons Tab
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1. On the edit Interface window, click the Pop-out Content Buttons tab to configure buttons for pop-up content. Note: Up to five buttons can be configured (text only, icon only or icon and text). Buttons can be deleted by clicking the corresponding delete icon.


2. To configure a button, select the Pop-up Style (New Window or Inline). Note: When Inline is selected, a Pop-up Style Dimensions window opens.
3. On the Pop-up Style Dimensions window, enter the desired dimensions and click the Submit button.


4. On the Pop-out Content Buttons tab, enter the desired button text in the Button Text field or leave it blank. Note: A maximum of 40 characters may be entered in the Button Text field.
5. Enter a Font Awesome class in the Fontawesome Classes field or click the Select button to upload a desired icon or leave blank. Note: Font Awesome classes can be sourced on the internet. Only free Font Awesome classes are supported.
6. Click the Submit button to save the changes or click the Cancel button to return to the previous screen without saving.